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![]() 3343.0 Blood Disorders in Infants and ChildrenMonday, November 9, 2009: 2:30 PM
This session will discuss the epidemiology, morbidity and economic burden of select blood disorders in infants and children. Presentations will include a discussion of Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) as a common and serious manifestation in babies with bleeding disorders, the health and functional impact of sickle cell disease in a population of US children, and estimates of health-related needs, limitations, and health care use among non-Hispanic black children with and without sickle cell disease. Presenters will also discuss findings from multistate, multiple health plan estimates of medical care expenditures incurred by privately and publicly insured US children with sickle cell disease (SCD) and will describe the Sickle Cell Disease newborn screening program in 17 hospitals, community (CBOs) and state grantees and one National Coordinating Center whose aim is to: a) support the grantees in the development and maintenance of partnerships with State Title V and NBS programs and State SCD programs; b) enhance the follow-up component of State SCD screening programs; and c) work to enhance innovative projects that provide SCD-related education, SCD carrier counseling, and support services.
Session Objectives: • Describe how medical care utilization for children with sickle cell disease vary by plan type
• Describe the rate of occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages in babies with bleeding disorders.
• Describe the prevalence of co-occurring developmental conditions and functional limitations in non-Hispanic black children with sickle cell disease.
• Describe the rates of health services use among non-Hispanic black children with sickle cell disease.
Hani Atrash, MD, MPH
Hani Atrash, MD, MPH
2:30 PM
2:45 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Maternal and Child Health CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: Maternal and Child Health