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![]() 2053.0 Asian & Pacific Islander Health Across the Life Course (e.g. prenatal, infant, child, adolescent, and/or aging)Sunday, November 8, 2009: 4:30 PM
The purpose of this session is to discuss health issues particularly relevant to Asians and Pacific Islanders across various stages of the life course ranging from birth to senior status. Understanding these issues will be paramount to creating targeting strategies which address Asian and Pacific Islander disparities specific to different stages of the life course.
Session Objectives: At the end of the session, participants will be able to: (1) List at least two community organizing strategies to more effectively address health-related concerns in the API community; (2) Describe two barriers to accessing health services for API youth and seniors; and (3) Identify at least one cultural belief that APIs hold regarding chronic disease, cancer, infectious disease, and mental health.
Jamie Kimberly Lok, MPH, CHES
Board 9
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health
See more of: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health