4053.0 Occupational Health Disparities Institute: Putting our knowledge to work: Interventions

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 8:30 AM
This session being offered by the Occupational Health Disparities Institute (OHDI) presents four intervention projects aimed at reducing occupational exposures to vulnerable populations of workers. The session will include discussions of bringing health and safety to workers with cognitive disabilities, the use of a social ecology framework to plan H&S interventions for construction workers, the use of community based 'promotoras de salud' to deliver H&S content to Latino poultry processing workers, and a discussion of socio-cultural considerations in the development of H&S materials for Spanish speaking workers. This session illustrates innovative research-to-practice work that is being conducted to reduce occupational health disparities in a diversity of worker groups. This year, the OHS section highlights research-to-practice and interventions in its scientific program.
Session Objectives: Describe an approach to health and safety (H&S) tailored to the cognitive needs of workers with developmental disabilities. Discuss the use of community-based promotoras to deliver H&S information to Latino poultry workers. Discuss the value of social ecology in the development of worksite safety interventions for construction workers. Identify socio-cultural considerations in the development of H&S materials for Spanish speakers.

8:45 AM
Developing and evaluating a promotora program to reduce occupational injuries among Latino sanitation workers in poultry processing plants
Sara A. Quandt, PhD, Joseph G. Grzywacz, PhD, Antonio Marín, MA, Lourdes Carrillo, BS, Michael L. Coates, MD, MS and Thomas A. Arcury, PhD
9:15 AM
Assessment of occupational safety and health materials targeting Spanish speaking workers
Deogracia Cornelio, MA, Sarah Jacobs, MPH, CHES, Brenda Perez, BA and Michael Flynn

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety
Endorsed by: Latino Caucus, Public Health Nursing, Socialist Caucus

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)