3165.0 Violence and Health

Monday, November 9, 2009: 12:30 PM

Board 1
Losing control: The experience of traumatic fistula in war-torn Congo
Andrea Ben-David, MS, Rebecca Adeskavits, MPA, Cheryl Barber, MS and Narissa Puran, MS, MPH
Board 3
Responding to violence against women in Rwanda: An issue of health equity
Constance Newman, MSW, MPH, Athanasie Kabagwira, Jana Scislowicz, BA, Shannon Salentine, MPH and Félix Muramutsa, MA
Board 4
Perimenopause women and sexual impact among Taiwan
Mei-ling Chao and Tzu-Ting Huang
Board 6
Intimate Partner Violence and Suicide Attempts Among Urban Adolescent Females
Cindy Buchanan, PhD, Brian P. Daly, PhD and Dawn Eichen
Board 7
Association between intimate partner violence and early marriage in India
Erin E. Pearson and Ilene S. Speizer, PhD, MHS

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: APHA-Committee on Women's Rights
Endorsed by: Family Violence Prevention Forum, Socialist Caucus, Social Work, Women's Caucus