4341.0 Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Examining intention to use condoms among adolescents in Ghana
Kari Campbell, PhD, CHES, Norman Weatherby, PhD and Andrew Owusu, PhD
Board 2
�Sex is not something you do with someone you don't care about�: Adolescent girls' definitions of sex
Sara Head, MPH, Lisa Sunner, BA, Clare Mehta, PhD, Richard A. Crosby, PhD and Lydia Shrier, MD, MPH
Board 3
Understanding the Sexual Health Needs of Bay Area Foster and Former Foster Care Youth
Joseph Dominic Crottogini, MPH (c), Elodia Villasenor, MPH, Jahaira Fajardo, MPH (c) and Krista L. Ward, DC, MPH
Board 4
Characteristics Associated with Emergency Contraception Use in Asian American Adolescents
Erica Christie, MPH, Kathryn Blouin, RN, Loretta Au, MD, Annie Shek, Lai Ching Chan, RN and Shao-Chee Sim, PhD
Board 7
Formative Research on the Reproductive and Sexual Health of Homeless Young Adults in Los Angeles
Courtney Burks, MPH, MA, Stephanie Histed, Megan Grimm, MPH, CHES, Monica Thukral, MPHc and Lissa Yu

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Population, Reproductive and Sexual Health