Rita DeBate, PhD, MPH, CHES

University of South Florida
Center for Transdisciplinary Research on Women's Health, Department of Community and Family Health, College of Public Health
13201 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 56
Tampa, FL
USA 33612
2072.0 Exploring factors for increasing adoption of e-courses in the oral health curriclum
3069.0 Transforming women's health across the lifespan: Calling for an oral/systemic paradigm shift
3089.0 Dentists' Knowledge, Perceived Roles, Attitudes and Communication Behaviors Regarding Oral Cancer and HPV: Results from a Florida Statewide Survey
3089.0 Oral Cancer and HPV: An Exploration of Oral Health Providers' Perceived Roles, Attitudes, and Communication Behaviors
3089.0 Continuing Education Preferences among Oral Health Providers for HPV-Related Oral Cancer Information
4064.0 Adapting the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) for elementary school children
4122.0 Physical activity among 3rd-5th graders in low-income urban schools before and after intervention
4334.0 Girls on the Run: Evaluation of a developmentally-focused youth sport program designed for 3rd-5th grade girls
4334.0 Role of intervention dose on developmental assets in 3rd-5th grade girls: Results from an evaluation study of Girls on the Run