Ellen J. Hahn, PhD, RN

University of Kentucky College of Nursing and College of Public Health
Tobacco Research and Prevention Program
751 Rose Street
Lexington, KY
USA 40536-0232
3059.0 Political climate and smoke-free laws in rural communities: Views from elected officials and community advocates
3064.0 College student's exposure to tobacco marketing in nightclubs and bars
3073.0 Protocol for measuring adherence to a tobacco-free university policy
3364.0 Influence of smoke-free laws on quitline utilization among underserved populations
3378.0 Evaluating the impact of a tobacco-free university policy on student attitudes and tobacco use
3378.0 Compliance with tobacco-free university policy
4120.0 Promoting healthy behaviors in a rural community using culturally sensitive smoking cessation outreach strategies
4313.0 Do smoke-free laws in rural, underserved counties encourage cessation?
5026.0 Menthol smoking, smoke-free policies, and cessation services
5147.0 Social justice in rural underserved areas: Community readiness for smoke-free policy development
5151.0 Building a radon-free environment: A test your home and win contest
5182.0 Messages that motivate rural communities to support smoke-free policy change