Ralph DiClemente, PhD

Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health and Center for AIDS Research
1518 Clifton Rd NE, Room 554
Atlanta, GA
USA 30322
3066.0 Pregnancy among women who over-reported condom use as measured by a biomarker for unprotected sex
3114.0 Gardasil for Guys: Correlates of Intent to be Vaccinated
3126.0 Accuracy of Self-Reported HIV Testing Among Late Adolescents: Findings From a Sample of Young African-American Women Seeking Services at Sexual Health Clinics
3142.0 Laying the Groundwork for a Media-Based HPV Vaccination Uptake Study among African-American Adolescent Females
3142.0 Acceptability of the HPV Vaccine among African-American Mothers in the Southern US
3142.0 HPV vaccination among African-American adolescent girls in 4 U.S. cities: Prevalence, correlates, and psychosocial barriers
3145.0 Association between exposure to sexually explicit internet media and dating violence among adolescents
3263.0 Psychometric properties of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support in a clinic-based sample of African-American adolescent females
3265.0 Examining Partner Violence and High Risk Sexual Behaviors among Adolescent Females Receiving Psychiatric Services
3269.0 Relationship Between Detained African-American Adolescent Females' Perceived Life Chances and HIV-Associated Sexual Risk Behaviors
3361.0 A Qualitative Investigation of HPV Vaccination Acceptance Among College Males
4036.0 Predictors of Immigrant Latinas having Male Sex Partners Who are at Risk for HIV
4036.0 Latino Partnership: A CBPR approach to reducing HIV risk among immigrant Latino men
4196.0 Factors Associated with Sexual Concurrency among At-Risk African American Teen Women
4336.0 An Index of Partner-Level Risk Factors for Non-Condom Use and STI Acquisition among Sexually Active African-American Females
5073.0 Condoms and sugar daddies: Sexual bargaining about condom use among low SES women
5112.0 Enhancing maintenance of HIV intervention efficacy by brief, telephone-delivered, tailored counseling for young African American women
5112.0 Results from a pilot small-group HIV prevention intervention for immigrant Latino men: A community-based participatory research approach
5131.0 Changes in rural parents' vaccination-related attitudes and intention to vaccinate middle and high school children against influenza following influenza vaccination intervention