Toben F. Nelson, ScD

University of Minnesota
Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
1300 S. Second St. Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN
USA 55454
3027.0 Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Food and Alcohol Access--An Ecological Study
4131.0 How are two-year U.S. colleges addressing student alcohol use and related problems?
4135.0 Sport participation and smoking in adolescence: A longitudinal analysis
4229.0 United States National Minimum Legal Drinking Age of 21: A Public Health Success
4229.0 What We Have Learned about Drinking Among College Students from two decades of research with the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study
4343.0 Factors that Facilitate the Adoption of Malt Liquor Policies: The Role of Liquor Retailers
5025.0 Alcohol Treatment and Prevention Systems at U.S. Colleges