Yoon Soo Park, MS

Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
215 West 125th Street
Suite 303
New York, NY
USA 10027
2060.0 Analyzing a Neighborhood Effect on Post-Katrina Recovery: Does a Community's Cohesion and Control Matter?
3210.0 Student Surge Capacity for Outbreak Investigation (Team Epi!)
4071.0 Dealing with climate change: An evaluation of a national online course
4147.0 A Cluster Analysis on Barriers to Evacuate
4148.0 Improving Hospital Workers' Willingness to Work: Using Group-Specific Differences to Investigate Associations between Barriers and Interventions
4219.0 Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling Approach to Assess the Mastery and the Prevalence of Specific Competencies in a Basic Emergency Preparedness Course
5001.0 Placing Electronic Chips on Kids: An Analysis of US Public Behavior on Preparedness
5008.0 Longitudinal changes in mental health associated with increased tobacco and alcohol use in a displaced population
5098.0 Impact of Online Learning on Emergency Response: An Evaluation of an Online Course
5099.0 Children as Bellwethers of (Mal)Adaptation after a Disaster: Enduring Mental Health Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Children and Youth
5137.0 Analysis of Rater Reliabilities of Incomplete Designs: A Simulation of Partially Balanced Incomplete Designs and Empirical Application