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![]() 240907 “Picturing New Possibilities:” Photovoice as a means of Critical Dialogue, Action, and Participation among Women Living with HIV/AIDSWednesday, November 2, 2011: 12:45 PM
Background: Health promotion and prevention strategies for women living with HIV/AIDS (WLH/A) are critical to improve women's quality of life and prevent HIV transmission. Opportunities for WLH/A to define and express their health priorities are often not considered, yet knowing WLH/A's perspective is essential to effective service provisions. We conducted a photovoice project to engage WLH/A about their health experiences, and harness the power of women's photo-narratives to inform participant-driven health promotion and prevention strategies for WLH/A.
Methods: We recruited WLH/A from two AIDS service agencies in St. Louis, Missouri. Participants (N=13) photographed their experiences and health and prevention needs; and attended a training session, two photo discussion sessions, and a community exhibit of their photos. We analyzed transcripts of discussion sessions for key themes and narratives. Results: The participants were African American (92%). Their mean age was 42 years. Our analysis revealed that women's photo-narratives served six key functions: document health/social challenges; process trauma; depict visually the journey from sickness to living healthily with HIV/AIDS; express hopefulness; acknowledge social support; and promote action and advocacy to solve problems. Conclusions: Photovoice is a powerful strategy to motivate dialogue among WLH/A, and to identify women's needs. Photo-narratives have implications for health promotion and prevention strategies. The findings suggest that services for WLH/A should focus holistically on women's lives and needs, not just on HIV/AIDS; help women recover from trauma; acknowledge women's ability to transform from despair to health; build and nurture social support; and recognize WLH/A as healthy, powerful, and capable.
Learning Areas:
Diversity and culturePlanning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs Program planning Social and behavioral sciences Learning Objectives: Keywords: Women and HIV/AIDS, Photovoice
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the PI for the project described in the abstract. I have been conducting HIV prevention research with women for over 10 years. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
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