3107.0 Undergraduate public health education

Monday, October 31, 2011: 10:30 AM
The Academic Public Health Caucus is a platform for APHA members to discuss issues of mutual concern regarding academic public health, such as academic public health practice. Specifically, the caucus provides a forum to showcase and learn about innovations in education, training, and academic research not only from public health academicians, but also from practitioners within public health institutions (i.e., federal, state, regional, local, private sector or non-profit organizations or personnel) that administer or participate in Academic/Practice partnerships. Academic/Practice partnerships include, but are not limited to, inter- multi- and trans-disciplinary collaborations to promote health and prevent disease and injury among populations. This session will focus on undergraduate public health education.
Session Objectives: Describe one example of developing competencies between undergraduate and graduate public health education. Discuss the variability among public health studies programs currently offered. Describe the undergraduate public health learning outcomes. Describe the framework of an epidemiology course in a liberal education-based four-year academic institution. Identify methods of sharing intercollegiate resources to promote public health education.
Daniel Shea Gerber, EDD, MPH

Welcoming Remarks
10:32 AM
Defining boundaries between undergraduate liberal arts and graduate public health programs at a research institition
Lauren D. Arnold, PhD, MPH, Timothy McBride, PhD and Bradley P. Stoner, MD, PhD
10:56 AM
Integrative and applied learning methods for teaching the undergraduate public health learning outcomes
Donna Petersen, ScD, Judith G. Calhoun, PhD, MBA, MA, Susan Albertine, PhD and Christine Plepys, MS
11:20 AM
Public health educational opportunities in a five institution public health consortium
Ruth McDermott-Levy, PhD, RN, Stanton Miller, MD, MPH, Kaye Edwards, PhD, Melissa Pashigian, PhD, MPH and Ellen Magenheim, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Academic Public Health Caucus

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)