3397.0 Using Geoinformatics to Improve Community Health

Monday, October 31, 2011: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Development of a GIS Geospatial Module for Environmental Public Health Data
Min Qi Wang, PhD, MS, John T. Braggio, PhD, MPH, Jed L. Miller, MD, MPH, Rashid Malik, Valerie Agwale and Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH
Board 4
Utility of tele-insurance for increased health insurance coverage of children: The case of Florida Covering Kids & Families
Abraham Salinas, MD, MPH, Hamisu Salihu, MD, PhD, Emanny Sanchez, BS, Linda A. Detman, PhD and Jodi Ray, MA
Board 5
Creation of MySPH, the USC Arnold School of Public Health's web portal
Nathaniel Jay Patterson, MHA, Lydia Frass, PhD, MPH, Lillian U. Smith, DrPH, MPH, CHES and Gregory A. Hand, PhD MPH
Board 6
Increasing provider participation in NJIIS (New Jersey Immunization Information System)
Arpita Jindani, MSW, MA, Zina Kleyman, MS and Dominic Fonseca
Board 8
Recovery 2.0: Using Technology to Engage Adolescents in Sober Behavior
Stephanie Springer, MPH, Bridget Ruiz, MEd, Lora Passetti, MS and Mark Godley, PhD
Board 9
Use of Geographic information systems (GIS) in breast cancer health disparities research: A systematic review
Keila Pena-Hernandez, MT, Suzanne Boren, PhD, MHA and Jeannette Jackson-Thompson, MSPH, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Health Informatics Information Technology
Endorsed by: International Health