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![]() 2012.0 Supporting Faculty, Graduate Students & Post-Docs to Succeed as Community-Engaged ScholarsSunday, October 30, 2011: 8:00 AM
LI Course
CE Hours: 3 contact hours
Partnership: We invited the Community-Based Public Health Caucus to endorse this proposal and the institute (two of us - Seifer and Bowie - are active Caucus members). They responded: "The CBPH Caucus would be delighted to endorse your proposal...we believe that our membership would be greatly interested in the learning institute. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from us. Good luck on your proposal!" We have also invited the Academic Public Health Caucus since the institute is focused on faculty development (we haven't heard back from them yet). The content being delivered is related to the mission of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health and they wholeheartedly endorse it and will help in promoting it.
Statement of Purpose and Institute Overview:
The purpose of this institute is to provide faculty members, post-docs and graduate students who are committed to improving public health through community-engaged teaching and research with tools, tips and strategies for successful academic careers.
Community-engaged teaching and research are central to preparing future public health professionals and understanding and addressing health disparities, yet university systems for preparing, recognizing and rewarding faculty who lead these efforts often are not supportive. Community-engaged scholars often lack formal mentoring and professional development and face promotion and tenure committees that regard their scholarship as service or activism, and overemphasize the importance of federal grants and peer-reviewed papers in top tier journals in their faculty reviews. This institute builds on seven years of learning from national initiatives led by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (the most recent of which is Faculty for the Engaged Campus) that have addressed these challenges by changing promotion and tenure policies, facilitating peer reviewed publication of applied products of community-engaged scholarship (CES) and supporting faculty to gain the competencies to be successful in conducting and documenting CES. We have further documented the need for the institute through an online survey of members of APHA's Community-Based Public Health Caucus that found significant interest among faculty, graduate students and post-docs. A similar institute we offered last year was well subscribed and highly rated. Participant feedback indicated that fewer topics be covered in greater depth and more time be spent on the development of a personalized action plan for each participant.
Through interactive sessions that build towards a personal action plan for each participant, the institute will focus in three key areas: (1) Developing a scholarly agenda and the competencies and resources needed to implement it; (2) Documenting CES for promotion and tenure; and (3) Publishing and disseminating peer-reviewed products of CES. Institute presenters include 3 members of the leadership team for Faculty for the Engaged Campus (the director, associate director and evaluator) and the Associate Editor of, an innovative online mechanism for peer-reviewed publishing of diverse products of CES that is itself a product of CES.
Session Objectives: *Distinguish between the definition, documentation and academic implications of community service, community engagement and community-engaged scholarship
*Describe the components of a scholarly agenda and why it is important to develop one
*Identify resources for community-engaged scholarship mentoring, professional development, publishing and funding
Sarena D. Seifer, MD
8:00 AM
Concluding Remarks
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: APHA-Learning Institute (APHA-LI) CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)
See more of: APHA-Learning Institute (APHA-LI)