Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Posters 1
Monday, October 31, 2011: 12:30 PM
Board 1
Context, Community and Disaster: Converting a Cancer Care Community Health Navigation Model for Use in Community Disaster Preparedness
Vy Dao, MA, PhD(c), Laila Bondi-Marschner, MUP, MPH (c), Farah A. Arosemena, MPH and Maureen Lichtveld, MD, MPH
Board 2
Special medical needs sheltering in Philadelphia County
Melissa D. Frank, MPH(c), Giovanna Imbesi, MPH(c), Sylvia Twersky-Bumgardner, MPH, Rosemary Frasso, PhD(c), MSc, CPH and Alice Hausman, PhD, MPH
Board 3
Earthquake emergency preparedness: Perceptions of minority indigenous peoples
Eugene Yu-Chang Peng, MD, MS, Fuh-Yuan Shih, MD, PhD, Shu-Yu Lyu, MPH, PhD, Yi-Chen Yang, MS and Donald E. Morisky, ScD, MSPH, ScM
Board 5
CDC 2010 Haiti Cholera Response: Incident Management System's Policy Unit Challenges & Strategies
Timothy Etherington, MPH, CHES, Mina M. Zadeh, PhD, MPH, BS, Pei-Chun Tsai Wan, MS, Andrea Carcelen, MPH, BA and Kim Douglass, MIA
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Injury Control and Emergency Health Services