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Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Call for Abstracts
Linking Vulnerable Drug Using Populations to Quality Care and Services
Science to Service/Research to Practice-Research in Applied Settings
APHA-Committee on Women's Rights Call for Abstracts
Abortion and Politics
Ageing and Women
Alzheimer’s and Women
Caregiving: The collision of the personal and the political aspects of it
Chronic Diseases
Eating disorders
Health Care Reform and Women’s Rights
Mental Health Issues and Women’s Rights
Environment Call for Abstracts
Epigenetics, Environment, and Health
Family Violence Prevention Forum Call for Abstracts
Community Interventions focused on Intimate Partner Violence
Food and Nutrition Call for Abstracts
1d. Food Prices
3a. National Nutrition Monitoring and Food Supply Research
4a. Food Production, Processing, and Packaging
4b. Nutritional Needs and Food Safety Risks Among Older Adults
5b. The Evolution of Dietary Guidance in the U.S
5d. Integrating Nutrition Education into Health Care Training and Delivery
6b. Supporting Policies and Programs that Promote Breastfeeding (other)
Medical Care Call for Abstracts
Veterans' Health
Men's Health Caucus Call for Abstracts
Employer outreach initiatives to men
Men's health core competencies
Men’s health and healthcare reform implementation
Role of women and families in men’s health
Sports and men’s health (concussions, injuries, accidents, etc.)
Violence against men
Workplace safety
Podiatric Health Call for Abstracts
Topics on the importance of maintaining foot and ankle care and mobility specifically related to an aging population
Women's Caucus Call for Abstracts
Placeholder - Reproductive and sexual health
Placeholder - Social, cultural, environmental, and political contexts of women's health
Placeholder - Women's health across the lifespan
Placeholder - Women's health disparities