Crystal Fuller, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology
722 West 168th Street
Room 510
New York, NY
USA 10032

2036.0 Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B co-infection in the Fako division of Southwest Cameroon
3184.0 Can pharmacy chronic disease screening services reach high-risk, vulnerable populations?
3281.1 Individual and structural barriers to chronic disease screening among illicit drug users in New York City population, 2009-2011
4042.0 Factors associated with HIV-related stigmatizing attitudes and early findings on impact of a comprehensive chronic disease prevention video aimed at reducing HIV-related stigma among an urban, low income population in New York City, 2009-2011
4215.0 “Health Screenings for Life”: Comprehensive health screenings as a means of decreasing stigma associated with HIV testing