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![]() 3363.0 Policies, Financing and Attitudes about HIV and other Medical ConditionsMonday, October 29, 2012: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
This panel will review policies, financing, and attitudes regarding oral healthcare services for PLWHA, including rapid HIV oral screening in a dental setting. Additional discussion will focus on attitudes and efficacy of chairside medical screening in a dental setting for other medically relevant conditions (e.g., heart disease, diabetes) and implications from a program, reimbursement and policy perspective.
Session Objectives: 1. Compare cost of services across different levels of oral healthcare for PLWHA as a budget planning tool (Tobias)
2. Discuss funding of oral health across Ryan White Programs and changes to State Medicaid adult dental 2005-10.
3. Articulate the potential public health value of diagnostic screening and preventive services performed in the dental settings.
4. Articulate the organizational and financial considerations of insurers and other payers in reimbursing such services.
5. Gain a better understanding of the potential role for oral health care professionals in chairside screening for medical conditions and the attitudes of dentists, patients and physicians toward chairside medical screening in a dental setting.
Helene Sharon Bednarsh, BS,RDH,MPH
Helene Sharon Bednarsh, BS,RDH,MPH
Helene Sharon Bednarsh, BS,RDH,MPH
Introductory Remarks The HIV epidemic began 31 years ago and still continues with 54,000 new cases reported every year. This number has remained relatively stable for several years. The CDC proposed new recommendations for testing in 2006 which encouraged that everyone between the ages of 13-65 be tested at least once in their lifetime. More often if the individual believes they may have been at risk for an exposure to HIV.
Additionally we know that about 1 in 5 persons living with HIV are unaware of their status. A percentage of these are not even aware that they may have been exposed to HIV and others have chosen not to be tested for a variety of reasons. Recent studies have reported that when an individual knows their status they are less likely to transmit HIV to others.
Over the past several years testing for HIV has become simpler and, faster. This is especially due to the availability of the Rapid HIV test for which results are available in 20 minutes rather than waiting for days. These results can be reviewed with the patient without concern about them returning for results. If a test is reactive then a linkage to care can immediately be facilitated.
Should oral healthcare providers consider offering oral fluid based Rapid HIV Testing and if we did, what are the attitudes of oral health providers, the medical profession and the consumer of care toward this, as well as screening for other medical conditions such as CVD and diabetes.. And if we test, how do we link to care, counsel the patient and then, who pays for the test?
We already know from the two IOM reports previously released that we have an access problem in oral health care and we know vulnerable populations are greatly impacted by this including persons living with HIV..
This panel is comprised of a series of presentations with common themes of oral health and other chronic medical conditions, HIV, policies and financing. What we propose today is a discussion on the current programs, policies, and cost of providing oral health care to PLWHA. Our first two speakers will present this information. Then as a bit of a twist, but still within our theme we'll talk about policies, attitudes and financing of interventions that could affect HIV disease and the role of the oral healthcare worker in these as well as outside attitudes to our role in screening for medical conditions and finally, if we offer it, will insurance reimburse it? The next three speakers will address these issues. Welcome to another way of looking at HIV and oral health and our role as primary oral healthcare providers.
Thank you and I look forward to a great discussion and exchange of ideas this afternoon.
I will now introduce each speaker so that we can flow through the program without interruption.
Concluding Remarks
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Oral Health
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)
See more of: Oral Health