Online Program

Increasing fruit and vegetable intakes through community collaboration and theory driven cooking demonstrations at a local farmer's market in a low-income neighborhood

Monday, November 4, 2013 : 1:10 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Diana Cuy Castellanos, PhD, RD, Department of Health and Sports Science, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH
Joanne Christaldi, PhD, RD, LDN, Department of Nutrition, West Chester University, West Chester, PA
Katie Abrahamsen-Borer, MS, MCE, Nutrition and Dietetics, Marywood University, Scranton, PA
Most Americans, particularly those who are low income, are not meeting the recommended requirements for fruit and vegetable consumption. The diffusion of innovation theory was used in the development of healthy cooking demonstrations at a newly formed farmer's market in a low-income urban neighborhood. The farmer's market was developed through collaboration between a local non-profit, the city government, academicians and local food growers. The purpose of the demonstrations were to 1) encourage intake of local produce and foods of local residents using tailored recipes that incorporate foods available at the market and 2) increase farmer sales by incorporating market available produce into the demonstrations. Impact measures included market attendee's perception of the demonstrations using an adapted DOI questionnaire and pre/post market fruit and vegetable intake. There was a significant increase in fruit and vegetable intake (N= 32, p<.01) from the beginning of the market (M=16.03, SD = 4.94) to the end (M=23.84, SD = 4.49). Furthermore, a significant positive correlation between DOI score and number of cooking demonstrations (p = .02) and farmer's markets attended (p = .04) as well as fruit and vegetable intake and cooking demonstration attendance (p = .04) was observed. Farmers indicated that the cooking demonstrations and recipe dissemination positively influenced sales. In conclusion, this study indicates that several community entities working collaboratively can positively impact health behaviors as well as local economic growth. Future studies can provide further insight into the contribution community driven farmer's markets including nutrition education has on the overall community.

Learning Areas:

Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Public health or related education
Public health or related research

Learning Objectives:
Identify possible collaborations for developing a community driven farmer’s market in a low-income urban neighborhood. Explain the impact of healthy cooking demonstrations and nutrition education at a farmer’s market in a low-income urban neighborhood on fruit and vegetable intake. Describe the attributes of the DOI and how they contributed to the development and implementation of healthy cooking demonstrations and recipe development.

Keyword(s): Community Building, Nutrition

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the primary investigator in internally funded research projects examining nutrition influencing factors and nutrition needs in diverse populations as well as in the development, implementation and evaluation of culturally-tailored interventions. Furthermore, I have been a researcher and research assistant in federally funded community-based nutrition research projects addressing health disparities in minority populations.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.