Online Program

Informing, engaging, and educating Maine people about health care reform through multi agency collaboration

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Carol Zechman, LCSW, Access To Care, MaineHealth, Portland, ME
Caroline Zimmerman, MPP, Maine Primary Care Association, Augusta, ME
This presentation will focus on the materials, tools and messaging developed by 11 Maine nonprofits who were awarded Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) grants in 2010 and 2011 to support direct and effective outreach about how federal health care reform will impact people in Maine. In addition to providing facts about the law, the organizations share information with their constituents about opportunities the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides to public and private health insurance programs and ways people can take advantage of new benefits. The organizations have worked together to identify appropriate messages and outreach strategies. MeHAF has provided professional consulting assistance to help the organizations plan and implement a coordinated outreach process to educate Maine's young adults, seniors, low-income, immigrants, and providers. The grantee group used diverse outreach methods and targeted populations that might benefit from provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Fact sheets, posters, brochures, videos and webinars have been created and disseminated by the group in an effort to educate Mainers about coverage options and new protections under the law. A place- based strategy was also implemented in Bangor, Maine. The Maine People's Alliance canvassed all households in Bangor, followed by an evaluation and full report on the effectiveness of this strategy. This will be an interactive discussion that will include participant's evaluation of the materials with an opportunity to incorporate participant suggestions into outreach efforts moving forward.

Learning Areas:

Administer health education strategies, interventions and programs
Communication and informatics

Learning Objectives:
Explain the benefits of the Affordable Care Act to providers, patients and consumers. Discuss the value of partnerships among communities, providers and institutions in creating best practices in improving the general populations understanding of new opportunities for increased access to health care. Analyze current ACA resource materials developed by the Maine Grantee group and evaluate their effectiveness in reaching diverse populations.

Keyword(s): Health Care Reform, Communication

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the lead at our agency on the ACA since the law passed, specifically looking at how it will impact FQHCs and the communities that they serve in Maine. Specific work includes the lead on grant efforts focusing on outreach, enrollment and education for vulnerable populations.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.