Nurses: Role models, advocates and educators of health, safety, and wellness
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
: 8:30 AM - 8:50 AM
Holly Carpenter, RN BSN
Department for Health, Safety, and Wellness, American Nurses Association, Silver Spring, MD
Suzy Harrington, DNP, RN, MCHES
Center for Health, Safety, and Wellness, American Nurses Association, Silver Spring, MD
Nurses struggle with the same health obstacles as the general public: weight, stress, fatigue, nicotine dependence, and substance abuse. However, nurses also face health and wellness issues unique to their profession, such as shift work, compassion fatigue, needle sticks, infectious disease exposure, hazardous chemical/drug/radiologic exposure, workplace violence and musculo-skeletal strains. Healthy nurses are empowered to promote the health, safety and wellness of themselves and the nursing profession by being more effective role models, advocates, and educators. They do this not only for themselves, but also for their families, the workplace and the public at large. Healthy nurses need to take the advice they give to their patients. The healthy nurse strives for a work/life balance, healthy weight, good nutrition, regular exercise, adequate hydration, stress identification and relief, and sufficient sleep. Individual healthy habits practiced by the nurse accomplish some of these items, but a culture of health, safety, and wellness at home, at the workplace, and in the community can benefit all employees and community members. This program will give nurses the tools to recognize their own health issues and then identify behavior changes that can benefit the individual nurse, the workplace, and the patient.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health education
Occupational health and safety
Public health or related nursing
Learning Objectives:
Identify what it means to be a �Healthy Nurse�, incorporating the five dimensions of health with the health, safety, health promotion and wellness of the nurse and the work environment on a national level.
Identify behavior change concepts, personally and professionally, at the individual, community, structural environment, and policy levels of change locally and nationally.
Keywords: Nurses, Health Education
Presenting author's disclosure statement:Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: As a senior staff specialist for the American Nurses Association�s (ANA) Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, I developed ANA�s Healthy Nurse website and regularly update its content and resources. I have been published in "American Nurse Today" several times on nurse wellness topics. I have developed and presented several nurse wellness continuing education modules and have planned and held 2 national nurse wellness conferences. I administer ANA's Healthy Nurse list serve.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines,
and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed
in my presentation.