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Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Call for Abstracts
Alcohol - Environmental Approaches, Policy and Advocacy
Alcohol - Epidemiology
Alcohol - Other
Alcohol - Treatment and Health Services Research
ATOD - Co-morbidities, Integration of Services
ATOD - Community Based Approaches to ATOD Problems
ATOD - Evaluation Methodology and Approaches
ATOD - Health Care Reform: Implementation, Access, and Parity
ATOD - SBIRT/Screening & Referral in Applied Settings
ATOD - Science to Service/Research to Practice: Research in Applied Settings
AWARD: ATOD Student Poster Award Showcase
Other Drugs - Prevention
APHA-Council of Affiliates Call for Abstracts
CoA Scientific Session
APHA-Learning Institute (APHA-LI) Call for Abstracts
Accessing data from the National Center for Health Statistics: Resources for research and policy
Aiming for Success! Getting Started with Grants
An Action Agenda for the Future of Public Health Nursing
Chart of Accounts and Financial Analysis for the Minimum Package of Public Health Basic Programs
Community programming to eliminate barriers to access healthcare for frequent users of the emergency department
Crafting Public Health Messages for the Media Audience: Learn Why it is Important to Talk to the Media and How to Get them Interested in Your Story
Cultural Humility for Managers of Programs, Units & Agencies: What are the Tools?
Healing The Healer Within: Managing Stress Where You Live and Work
How to use the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in your research
Human health risk assessment and risk perception for public health practitioners
Mastering, Managing and Measuring the SOCIAL Future of Public Health: Social Media, Social Technology and Social Engagement.
Optimizing Forms for Data Collection and Management
Practical analysis of binary outcomes through logistic regression
The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) and National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS): an NCHS Data Resource for Health Policy Research
Thinking CAHPS: Effective use of patient experience surveys to improve quality of services in health plans, agencies, and group practices
WebGIS to support healthy communities and open portals for health data
APHA-Student Assembly Call for Abstracts
Wait List Abstracts
Applied Public Health Statistics Call for Abstracts
Environmental statistics
Gene-environment interaction (epigenetics) – methods and applications
Multiplicity in clinical trials
Non-probability samples & web panels in public health research
Statistical and public policy
Black Caucus of Health Workers Call for Abstracts
Homelessness: Does my zip code matter if I don’t have one?
Cancer Forum Call for Abstracts
Exploration of the public health impact of rapidly emerging discoveries and technologies in genetics and gene-environment interactions in cancer risk and prevention and the need for public and professional education related to these changes
Health issues in cancer prevention, control, and survivorship with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries
Women's Caucus-Cancer Forum Collaborative Session
Ethics Call for Abstracts
Global climate change and intergenerational justice
Public health ethics in global contexts
Family Violence Prevention Caucus Call for Abstracts
Family Violence and Violence Prevention in Incarcerated and/or Formerly Incarcerated Populations
Family Violence Program Evaluation
Health Services Research in Family Violence
Impact of Family Violence on Infant, Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Health
Impact of Health Reform on Violence/Violence Prevention Efforts
Innovations in Family Violence Research, Programs, & Policies
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Family Violence Prevention
mHealth in Family Violence Prevention
Social Determinants of Health and Family Violence
Thinking Systems: Using Innovative Approaches to Understand and Identify Family Violence
Genomics Forum Call for Abstracts
9. Newborn screening
Session 3 - Oral - Genomics forum
Health Administration Call for Abstracts
Administrative models for improving patient safety
Challenges and benefits of social media for health administration
Collaborative improvement efforts in health administration
Core competencies in health administration
Cross-pollination between public health administration and healthcare administration
Ethics and accountability in health administration
Evidence-based health administration
Healthography: Administrative models for overcoming geographical differences in health outcomes
Improving population health through healthcare administration
Improving the Social and Economic Value of Public Health Strategies through Practice-Based Research Networks
International perspectives on health administration
Managing risk in health administration
Model practices for mentoring and succession planning in health administration
Model practices in program evaluation
Models for coalition building and policy influence in local health departments
Models for effective management of public health advocacy campaigns
Models for user-centered design of public health interventions
Successful models for communicating with policymakers
Translation of health administration theory and research to health administration practice
Tribal Health and Academic Health Departments: Current Status & Next Steps
Using technology to improve health administration practice
Workforce diversity in health administration
Health Informatics Information Technology Call for Abstracts
EHRs and PHRs: Opportunities for Improving Patient Safety Among Vulnerable Populations
Enhancing Care Coordination Through HIEs
Family Violence & Mobile Technology: Practical Solutions for Emergency Service Providers
The Intersection of HIIT and Health Policy in the Reduction of Health Disparities
The Role of Data Storage, Management and Security in Emergency Preparedness
The Role of HIIT in Comparative Effectiveness Research- Innovative Models and Methods
Using Mobile Technology for Violence Prevention Efforts
Health Informatics Information Technology Center (HIIT Center) Call for Abstracts
Artificial Intelligence and decision support systems for care delivery
Autonomous robotics (e.g., micro-robotics) for treatment and surgery outside traditional care facilities
Consumer mobile devices for early diagnosis
Consumer Telehealth for Nutrition and Fitness Management
Emerging Applications in Nanotechnology and Nanoinformatics
Home Accessible Disease Diagnosis Sensors and Software Services
HIV/AIDS Call for Abstracts
HIV Vaccine Development
Integrative, Complementary and Traditional Health Practices Call for Abstracts
Business and program development in ACHP
Alternative and complementary health practices for cancer and chronic diseases
Art, music, and expressive therapies
CAM usage and patterns research
Education and training in ACHP
Energy therapies: Reiki, pranic healing, qi gong
Global/international aspects in ACHP
Healthography: How Where you Live Affects Your Health and Well-being - Role for ACHP
Herbs, supplements and food
Massage therapy, reflexology, healing touch, therapeutic touch
Mind-body medicine/therapies in ACHP
Movement therapies in ACHP
Pediatrics in ACHP
Research in ACHP
Spirituality and prayer
Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbal medicine
Women's health
Men's Health Caucus Call for Abstracts
Alaskan Native/American Indian health
Occupational Health and Safety Call for Abstracts
None -
Oral Health Call for Abstracts
Dental Workforce Issues, Leadership and Infrastructure
Epidemiology of Oral Diseases and Disparities
Oral Health Literacy, Health Communications, and Technology
Oral Health Needs among Special Populations
Physical Activity Call for Abstracts
3. Technology innovations which improve our understanding of the contextual aspects of physical activity participation and sedentary behavior.
Public Health Nursing Call for Abstracts
Public health nursing workforce
State of Public Health Nursing Science
State of the Science Update
Vision Care Call for Abstracts
Barriers and facilitators to access to eye care
Disability and vision
Economic burden and cost-effectiveness analysis in vision and eye care
Evidence-based policy and practice in eye care
The right to sight: A global perspective
Translating ocular research into community health
Vision and aging