Association between HIV/AIDS and Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis: Meta-analysis

Methods: Literature based systemic review of observational studies was conducted. Original studies providing Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance data stratified by HIV status were identified using data bases such as MEDLINE/PUBMED, Google Scholar and HINARI. The descriptions of original studies were made using frequency and forest plot. Publication bias was assessed using Funnel plot graphically and Egger weighted and Begg rank regression tests statistically. Heterogeneity across studies was checked using Cochrane Q test statistic and I2. Pool risk estimates of MDR-TB and sub-grouping analysis were computed to analyze associations with HIV.
Result: Random effects meta-analysis of all the 24 observational studies showed that Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection is associated with a marginal increased risk of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (summery odds ratio 1.24; 95%, 1.04 – 1.43). Subgroup analyses showed that effect estimates were higher (summery OR 2.28; 95%, 1.52-3.04) for primary multi-drug resistance tuberculosis and moderate association between HIV/AIDS and MDR-TB among population based studies and no significant association in institution setting.
Conclusions: This study overall demonstrates positive but marginal association between MDR-TB and HIV. However HIV infection is strongly and significantly associated with an increased risk of primary multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Even though the association is marginal, the devastating consequences of HIV and MDR-TB co infection and the geographic overlap of these two epidemics demand urgent attention in controlling and preventing.
Learning Areas:
Chronic disease management and preventionConduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practice
Ethics, professional and legal requirements
Occupational health and safety
Public health or related research
Learning Objectives:
Assess the association between HIV infection and multi-drug resistance tuberculosis using meta-analisis.
Keyword(s): Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: am yonatan moges mesfin and epidemiology lecturer and researcher in haramaya university. i graduated master of public health in epidemiology from addis ababa university in 2012. i have five publication at international journal. and also i have participated at 3 international conference in ethiopia and africa.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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