State of the Science Update: Preventive screening, false positives and “overdiagnosis.”

Description: Recent re-analyses of breast, prostate, and cervical cancer screening data were reviewed. Current recommendations, screening practices, and provider and patient “uptake” of new recommendations were explored in the research literature.
Lessons-learned: Recent re-analyses of large-scale preventive screening program data indicate substantial “overdiagnosis” of disease. Mammography screening, for example, results in substantial false positive tests, leading to life-changing treatment for non-trivial numbers of women. Similarly, prostate surface antigen screening of asymptomatic men results in frequent treatment--with significant complications--of non-progressive disease. Widespread screening of “well” people may result in substantial harm for small numbers of lives saved as well as psychological and sociologic consequences of disease diagnoses. The cost of false positives evokes a re-examination of risk assessment and recommendations for preventive screening.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practiceEpidemiology
Learning Objectives:
Discuss absolute versus relative risk in relationship to preventive screening tests
Describe the outcomes of recent reanalyses of mammography and PSA screening data
Evaluate early detection and treatment assumptions in light of new data
Keyword(s): Evidence-Based Practice, Epidemiology
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I did the literature review and analysis of the secondary data for this abstract.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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