Kane County Illinois Farmland Protection Ordinance Health Impact Assessment Project: Evaluation Results

There is growing interest in using policy approaches in non-health-related sectors such as transportation, housing, and agriculture, to address public health issues. Health impact assessment (HIA) is an especially promising way to factor health considerations into planning and decision-making processes. This research presents the results of an evaluation of the Kane County Illinois Farmland Protection Ordinance Health Impact Assessment project (the project). The purpose of the project was to conduct a health impact assessment of a proposed amendment to the Kane County Illinois farmland protection ordinance. Implemented in 2001, the County designed the ordinance to preserve its prime commodity producing farmland. In recognition of the growing interest in locally grown foods, a proposed amendment to the ordinance was designed in 2012 to include small food producing farms. The goal of the amendment was to balance investments in farmland protection to encourage local food production. This proposed policy change was the focus of the HIA. This evaluation shows evidence suggesting the HIA influenced the passage of an amendment which balanced farmland protection policies to encourage locally grown fruits, vegetables, and whole grains with the objective of protecting traditional commodity croplands (the original intent of the farmland protection ordinance), potentially leading to changes in dietary consumption and population health improvements. The HIA project team identified and sought involvement of key groups, most notably the Kane County Farm Bureau and the Northern Illinois Food Bank, early in the HIA process and effectively used these relationships to achieve the objectives of the project.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practicePublic health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelines
Public health or related public policy
Learning Objectives:
Assess the implementation of a Health Impact Assessment of a County Ordinance designed to encourage local food production.
Keyword(s): Policy/Policy Development, Evaluation
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal investigator on numerous projects that evaluate the outcomes of public health and related programs. I have been actively conducting and publishing work of this type for over 25 years as a University-based researcher.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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