Inequities and Investments: The Landscape of Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health in Asia and the Middle East

Through USAID’s Advancing Partners & Communities award (APC), we conducted a landscape analysis on key youth gender and SRH indicators, successful programmatic approaches and activities, programmatic needs, and relevant laws and policies. Regional reports incorporate results from stakeholder interviews.
Youth SRH issues in the AME vary greatly by country. Data are limited and are often not easily accessible or disaggregated by age or gender. The implementation of effective youth SRH programs and policies requires a comprehensive understanding of the complicated issues affecting young people.
The landscape analysis provides an overview of gender and SRH issues and opportunities of young people living in the AME region. This presentation will highlight findings and discuss the need for country-specific and disaggregated data to inform youth SRH policy, advocacy and programming in the region.
Learning Areas:
Assessment of individual and community needs for health educationDiversity and culture
Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Program planning
Public health or related organizational policy, standards, or other guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Describe sexual and reproductive health issues, including gender inequalities, of young people living in the Asia and Middle East region.
Identify key findings from current literature that affect youth SRH outcomes.
Recognize the importance of country-specific and disaggregated data to inform youth SRH policy, advocacy and programming in the AME region.
Keyword(s): Youth, Reproductive Health
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