Providing comprehensive and standardized breast health training in reproductive health centers: Results from a Planned Parenthood train-the-trainer program

Objective/Purpose The objective was to evaluate the program’s impact on participants and the overall reach of their subsequent training activities.
Methods Participants completed a survey at baseline and at three and six months post-training. Items assessed participant knowledge, practices, confidence providing exams and referrals, and subsequent training. Of 95 participants completing the baseline survey, 69 completed the six-month survey.
Results Mean knowledge scores increased from 15.9 to 18.5 (out of 23) at three months post-training (p<.05). Comfort discussing breast screening recommendations with high-risk clients, discussing breast cancer risks, and referring clients for genetic counseling significantly increased from baseline to six months. The proportion of respondents spending three or more minutes performing breast exams increased, from 56.1% to 95.5% at six months (p <.01). Participants trained over 1,000 other professionals within six months post-training.
Discussion/Conclusions The training program was associated with improved participant knowledge, comfort, and practices. Family planning providers play a crucial role in promoting breast health. Education and training is important to ensure that a comprehensive and standardized approach is used when providing breast health care.
Learning Areas:
Clinical medicine applied in public healthProvision of health care to the public
Public health or related research
Learning Objectives:
Identify at least two service components that are essential for providing quality clinical breast health services.
Describe two key findings of the training evaluation.
Identify at least one new way to incorporate breast health promotion into their work.
Keyword(s): Women's Health, Cancer Prevention and Screening
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am Research and Data Manager for the Research department of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. I conducted the analysis for the impact evaluation of the breast health care training program described in this session.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.