How state policy and local context is shaping implemention of an innovatiave program for homeless individuals

Using data collected for the program’s evaluation, this presentation provides numerous examples of variation in local policies, populations, and service resources that have produced substantial differences in service mix, staffing, and client enrollment across the program sites. These include:
- The challenges of implementing multiple data-driven approaches used to identify and engage individuals who could benefit from such a program.
- Variations across sites in the availability of housing and housing vouchers, which have had dramatic implications for enrollment.
- Differing strategies in developing collaborative relationships between key social and health service providers, which have taken several forms and have not always been easy to formalize and maintain.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practiceProgram planning
Public health or related public policy
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate the significance of state policy and local context to the implementation of a federal initiative to meet the needs of homeless individuals.
Keyword(s): Homelessness, Policy/Policy Development
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a doctoral candidate in the public health program at NYU and am working as a graduate research assistant at the Department of Population Health in the NYU School of Medicine on a range of evaluation projects, including supportive housing programs. My background includes experience with the qualitative and quantitative methodologies commonly associated with program evaluation, including those used in this study.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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