Integrative Acupuncture Care for Low back Pain: A Systematic Review

A literature search located seven randomized clinical trials that combined acupuncture with other therapies for LBP. Only English language papers were included. The risk of bias within studies was evaluated using the Van Tulder scale. Modalities used with acupuncture included exercise, physiotherapy and conventional medical care. Three high quality studies examined the combination of acupuncture with conventional medicine for chronic LBP, and all found this treatment to be clinically effective, yielding the highest level of best evidence. One high quality study found that acupuncture combined with exercise was also effective for chronic LBP. These studies used different outcome measures for pain and disability, making the effect size difficult to determine. This systematic review found that acupuncture combined with conventional medicine or exercise seems to be effective for treating chronic LBP. Results from this study highlight the need for further research on integrated care for LBP.
Learning Areas:
Chronic disease management and preventionLearning Objectives:
Describe the literature published on an integrative approach for the management of low back pain that includes acupuncture.
Describe the effectiveness of integrative acupuncture care for the management of low back pain.
Keyword(s): Alternative and Complementary Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am th eprimary investigator for this study.
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