Promoting Self-Determination through Behavioral Health Self-Direction: Recent Developments and Future Directions

Self-Direction is less commonly implemented in the behavioral health arena. However, a small but growing body of evidence suggests that self-direction can improve recovery outcomes while keeping costs similar to traditional arrangements. The principles of self-direction are in harmony with the Affordable Care Act’s emphasis on integrated, person-centered care, and recent changes to Medicaid financing options support an expansion of self-direction in behavioral health.This presentation will offer an overview of self-direction, including existing national initiatives and evidence of their effectiveness.
The presentation will provide the results of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded study of Self-Direction. This "environmental scan" (descriptive study) was designed to understand the barriers and facilitators to self-direction in behavioral health from the perspective of multiple stakeholders. The method used was a survey of state and county behavioral health program directors; focus groups and in-depth interviews with administrators, providers, and behavioral health service users.
The environmental scan identified key barriers and bridges to the adoption and implementation of behavioral health self-direction. Findings will address: trends in interest in and enthusiasm for self-direction; demand for further research; and the need for technical assistance to assist with implementation.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practiceProgram planning
Social and behavioral sciences
Systems thinking models (conceptual and theoretical models), applications related to public health
Learning Objectives:
Define the self-direction model, including basic program elements and current evidence of effectiveness
Discuss stakeholder views on behavioral health self-direction, including barriers and bridges to adoption and implementation
Describe how behavioral health self-direction fits within the priorities of the Affordable Care Act
Keyword(s): Self-sufficiency and Empowerment, Patient-Centered Care
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have ten years experience with behavioral health services provision, management, quality assurance, and workforce development, and I have been conducting research in the area of behavioral health self-direction for five years, including as a key contributor to two Robert Wood Johnson Foundation projects. I am pursuing a PhD in behavioral health policy at Brandeis University, and my dissertation is a mixed methods study of a behavioral health self-direction program.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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