Sociodemographic Features and Mental Health Among Elderly Informal Caregivers:A Cross-Sectional Survey

Households interviews were performed in primary care-covered catchment area.Sample size was of 588 caregivers with 16 years or above and respective elders with 65 years or above.Written informed consent was obtained.
Mean age of caregivers was 49,8 years (sd=.599 .,CI 95%).Female gender was proeminent (82,65%). Daughters were the main elderly caregivers (58,8%). 59,8% of the female sample reached threshold for CMD (p=0,000) and 35% high level of burden (p=0,001). Association between CMD and high burden reached statistical significance (Pearson chi2=58,98 p=0,000). 16% of elderly sample filled diagnosis of DSM-IV dementia, 9,9% of ICD-10 major depression and 39,3% of CMD. Dementia was predictor of CMD and high burden among caregivers (p=0,001).
Findings suggest that caregivers should be considered as a risk population for mental health and worsening of quality of elderly care. Early needs assessment, treatment and logistic support for informal caregivers in areas of social deprivation should be aims of health and social security policies in LAMIC.
Learning Areas:
Assessment of individual and community needs for health educationPlanning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Program planning
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Identify population aging and informal caregiving as a growing public policy concern
Assess common mental diosrders and burden among elderly caregivers
Demonstrate informal elderly caregivers are a mental health at- risk population
Differentiate common mental disorder, subjective and objective burden
Discuss caregivers needs assessment in logistic terms and health related issues
Explain caregiver burden
Keyword(s): Aging, Caregivers
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been one of the few researchers in Brazil on focusing mental health and burden among informal elderly caregivers in a low-income community setting.Most of the studies are related to health services population.LAMIC countries such as Brazil faces population aging, paucity of health policies,low socioeconomic status, lack of community and caregiver support and incipient collaborative care.Therefore, this kind of study highlights an quite unexplored health policy issue in Brazil.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.