Monitoring the physiological consequences of work stress. A new operationalization of allostatic load

Traditionally, AL has been measured by counting the number of biomarkers that fall in the least healthy (often the highest) quartile for the distribution of biomarker values in that population. This method for measuring AL can cause some spurious association with health outcomes, because included in those defined as having high AL are people who have diagnosed clinical disease, have biomarkers that fall within a clinically unsafe range, and others who have values below the clinically unsafe range. In order to deal with this meaningless association, we are proposing a new method for measuring AL that excludes individuals with biomarker values above a clinical cut-off and those with diagnosed disease. By measuring AL in this way, we aim to discover whether there is an association between having multiple biomarkers values that fall within what may be considered a safe-range and health.
Learning Areas:
Chronic disease management and preventionEpidemiology
Occupational health and safety
Learning Objectives:
Define a new operationalization for allostatic load, a measure of the effects of chronic stress. Describe how this measurement method can be applied to monitor worker's health. Differentiate this new operationalization from previous operationalizations. Evaluate how effective this measure of allostatic load is at predicting health outcomes.
Keyword(s): Occupational Health and Safety, Stress
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am master’s student studying occupational epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. I have been involved in research around measuring allostatic load as a method to assess work stress for over a year. I am also involved in another research project related to using biomarkers to assess the risk of developing metabolic syndrome among patients with psychiatric disorders. I have a background in biology and experience using statistical methods to analyze health data.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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