Using the Hazard Risk Matrix to identify hospital workplaces at risk for violence

Methods: The study was conducted within a multi-site hospital system with a central, standardized system for recording workplace violence incidents and related injuries. The hazard risk matrix was used to identify hospital units at increased risk for violence based on data collected January 2010 to June 2012. The probability of violence was based on violence incidence rates; severity was based on lost time management claims. Cells of the hazard risk matrix were populated with hospital units categorized as low, medium or high probability and severity. Hospital stakeholders reviewed the matrix after categorization to address the possible confounding of underreporting.
Results: 42 hospital units were categorized as medium or high on both severity and probability and were prioritized for intervention. Probability and severity were highest in psychiatric, security, emergency, and nursing units. Hospital stakeholders representing both management and labor verified results and deemed the matrix useful, informative, and feasible.
Conclusions: The hazard risk matrix is a useful risk analysis tool for hospital administrators and safety professionals in prioritizing worksites for violence injury prevention efforts.
Learning Areas:
Occupational health and safetyLearning Objectives:
Explain how the Hazard Risk Matrix can be used to analyze the risk of workplace violence among work units in hospitals.
Discuss the importance of simultaneously examining probability and severity in identifying work units at highest risk of workplace violence and related injury.
Keyword(s): Violence & Injury Prevention, Hospitals
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal investigator on several large-scale grant projects focused on the epidemiology and prevention of workplace violence in healthcare settings. My work includes the development and implementation of data-driven strategies to reduce workplace violence among healthcare workers.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.