Evaluation of Behavioral Economics Strategies to Assess the Impact on School Food Choices in Los Angeles Unified School District, California for School-Year 2013-14

Approach: A multiple time-series design was used to evaluate the behavioral economic strategies applying SLM in 30 schools. School selection criteria included Free and Reduced Price (FPR) eligibility of 60% or higher, geographical diversity, readiness identified prior to the SY, and district approval. Baseline assessments were conducted at each school using the SLM protocol and Self-Assessment Scorecard. Informed by these baseline assessment results, SLM strategies were tailored to each school environment. Food production records were collected for the entire school year to assess changes in fruit and vegetable up-take, selection of healthier menu options, and participation rates.
Results: Results are currently being analyzed. The analysis will describe the food selection patterns of students pre and post-changes, including the number/percent of items that were offered and taken, along with any changes in participation rates.
Discussion: Behavioral economics strategies in the school food environment may increase selection of healthier food items. Based on preliminary results, the SLM model should lead to improved nutrition habits among students.
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programsLearning Objectives:
Describe at least 3 evidence-based behavioral economics principles used to increase selection of healthier food options in Los Angeles Unified School District.
Identify the study design used to evaluate behavioral economics strategies in the school food environment in Los Angeles Unified School District.
Keyword(s): Nutrition, School-Based Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Patricia L. Cummings, MPH is an Epidemiologist at the LA County Department of Public Health and the Program Manager of the Sodium Reduction in Communities Program in Los Angeles County (CDC grant). She has been the principal or co-principal investigator of multiple research studies focusing on food quality and food safety, including school-based nutrition and foodborne diseases. Among her interests has been development of nutrition strategies, such as reducing sodium intake through food procurement strategies.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.