Breakfast Challenge - Increasing Healthy Eating in High Schools

Methods: The HSBC aims to increase student's average daily participation (ADP) in breakfast at 20 high schools with an ADP of lower than 20%. This project is unique in that it engages multiple stakeholders including external partners and funders, school administrators, and students to implement innovative strategies for increasing participation in the district's nutritional universal breakfast program. This presentation will address strategies, challenges, opportunities, and offer best practices for engagement at the school level.
Results: Baseline data including breakfast participation rates of the HSBC are currently being assessed and will be presented.
Conclusion: The High School Breakfast Challenge is an example of how students can be actively engaged in school nutrition initiatives, serving as a model for peer-led food and health efforts.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationLearning Objectives:
Discuss the benefits of student leadership in breakfast initiatives.
Identify opportunities for increasing nutrition in high schools.
Keyword(s): Nutrition, Advocacy
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