Color count: Fruit and vegetable waste by color categories and other properties

Introduction: The National School Lunch Program new meal pattern guidelines have placed a significant emphasis on fruit and vegetables. It is commonly reported that about half of all served fruits and vegetables are wasted. A more detailed understanding of waste by descriptive qualities may illuminate specific targets for school food staff.
Methods: Visual estimations of fruit and vegetable waste were collected in 25 Ohio schools enrolled in a statewide nutrition project. On the day of observation, greater than 80% of the lunch trays were coded. Average fruit and vegetable waste was compared from pre kindergarten through high school. Data collection will be completed in May 2014.
Results: Preliminary review of plate waste data revealed several trends: 1) students waste less fruits and vegetables as they age 2) whole fruit waste is high among young children 3) waste is highest for dark green and red/orange vegetables and 4) waste is lowest for starchy sides. Final analysis will compare fresh to canned fruits and compare waste by food item form.
Discussion: School cafeterias are busy places. Staff may chose to target fruit and vegetable consumption strategies in areas of greatest need: dark green and red/orange vegetables.
Learning Areas:
Assessment of individual and community needs for health educationLearning Objectives:
Identify specific categories of vegetables with a high proportion of food waste.
Compare fruit waste by type and form.
Keyword(s): Nutrition, Dietary Assessment
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the co-principal of multiple state funded projects to improve nutrition and activity behaviors of students.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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