A Census of Breastfeeding Promotion among WIC Agencies: The WIC Breastfeeding Policy Inventory (WIC BPI)

Methods: The WIC BPI is a comprehensive, two-part web survey that was fielded to all 90 SAs and approximately 1,800 LWAs in 2013. Part 1 assessed breastfeeding policies and practices; Part 2 assessed breastfeeding measurement, data systems, and reporting. At least ninety-three percent of agencies responded to each part. Descriptive analyses provide national-level estimates of the range of policies and practices agencies use to promote breastfeeding.
Results: This presentation will be the first to highlight findings from the WIC BPI final report, which is scheduled to be released in late summer or early fall 2014. It will focus on national estimates of breastfeeding policies and practices used to promote breastfeeding in WIC, including their geographic variation.
Discussion: The WIC BPI study is the first to collect comprehensive information on all WIC agencies’ breastfeeding policies and practices as well as outcomes, including a detailed look at how agencies collect, assess, and store breastfeeding data for WIC participants. Findings may point to promising practices to encourage more women to breastfeed, particularly exclusively and for a longer duration.
Learning Areas:
Administer health education strategies, interventions and programsPublic health administration or related administration
Public health or related organizational policy, standards, or other guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Describe the new national study on WIC agencies’ breastfeeding promotion policies and practices.
Identify the range of breastfeeding topics and data covered in the WIC BPI study.
Keyword(s): Breastfeeding, WIC
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have directed several surveys for federally-funded research and evaluation projects, primarily in the area of child nutrition, for over three years. As survey director I helped to design, field, and analyze data for the WIC BPI.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.