Seven Steps to Success to a Successful Wellness Policy

Methods:The newly updated Action for Healthy Kids Wellness Policy Tool provides an interactive explanation of the HHFKA and seven steps schools can follow as they develop or revise their wellness policies. This seven step process includes: 1. Build a Strong Team, 2. Assess the Environment, 3. Draft the Policy, 4. Adopt the Policy, 5. Implement the Policy, 6. Measure and Evaluate, and 7. Communicate the Results.
Discussion: By walking through a seven step model that aligns not only with the HHFKA requirements but also with typical district policy development processes, the Action for Healthy Kids’ Wellness Policy Tracker tool allows schools to enhance their school wellness environments in a sustainable, policy-based manner. By encouraging integration of local partners and technical assistance from state level agencies, the Wellness Policy Tracker also helps to enhance school wellness policies through a collaborative approach.
Learning Areas:
Conduct evaluation related to programs, research, and other areas of practicePublic health or related organizational policy, standards, or other guidelines
Learning Objectives:
Identify key policy stakeholders for health and wellness policy work
Describe the 7 steps in the AFHK wellness policy tool
Identify how collaboration can be used to enhance wellness policy work
Keyword(s): School-Based Health, Policy/Policy Development
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Hannah is responsible for growing the capacity of Action for Healthy Kids state teams in 19 states including strategically in Illinois and Chicago. Hannah received her Master in Public Health from Indiana University. She started her career working at the local level on issues related to childhood obesity and community health initiatives. Her areas of interest include school wellness, childhood obesity, pediatric health and community-based programming.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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