Profiles of Depression Help Seeking among African Americans: A Latent Class Approach

Method: A latent class analysis of data from the National Survey of American Life was used to identify profiles of depression help seeking among a national sample of Black Americans (n=564).
Findings: The analysis identified the following "4 class" solution: Class 1)Young Professional Help Seekers (45% of sample). Mostly younger (m=33, sd=1.17) African American females with very low education who sought depression help from a mental health professional; Class 2) Older Medical/Informal Help Seekers (15%). Included mostly older (m=57, sd=4.0) African American females with low education seeking help from primary care, clergy, and family and friends; Class 3) High Utilizers (9%). MClassiddle-aged (m=46, sd=2.72), all African American, and mostly female with middle education who sought help from all sources of support, and Class 4) Middle-Aged Informal Help Seekers (30%). Mostly female Carribean and African American. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that having health insurance was significantly related to the increased likelihood of being in the class of Middle-Aged Informal Help Seekers over the class of Young Professional Help Seekers (OR=1.34, 95% CI=1.07-1.66).
Conclusions: Blacks who engaged their family doctor and family and friends for help had a mean age of 38 (sd=2.45) and were highly educated. These results suggest distinct depression help seeking profiles among Black Americans and a preference for primary care and informal support and may suggest the need for additional mental health training for medical practitioners and clergy.
Learning Areas:
Assessment of individual and community needs for health educationDiversity and culture
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Describe profiles of help seeking for depression among Black Americans
Discuss correlation between access to healthcare and help seeking profiles
Keyword(s): African American, Mental Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have conducted several secondary data analyses and systematic reviews around various mental health issues impacting African Americans which have been presented at national conferences and/or are under review for peer-reviewed journals. I have clinical experience in mental health treatment with African Americans and am supervised by faculty mentors with experience in this area and successful grant funding and publications.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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