An ecological analysis of maternal mortality ratios in 53 African countries

Methods: An ecological analysis was conducted using the latest data from credible international agencies. Data of 53 African countries were analyzed by SPSS. A Pearson Correlation and stepwise Linear Regression were conducted using poverty, HIV infection, literacy, child marriage and adolescent fertility indicators to identify the correlates of maternal mortality ratio.
Results: Maternal mortality ratio in 2010 is highly statistically correlated with child marriages in 1998-2007 (.53), adolescent fertility in 2011 (.48), GNI per capita in PPP terms in 2011 (-.47), literacy rates for male youth in 2005-2011 (-.46), and literacy rates for female youth in 2005-2011 (.41). Stepwise Linear Regression determined that 26% of maternal mortality can be explained by child marriages in African countries.
Conclusion: Maternal mortality ratio has decreased over the year; however, over 1 million children are left motherless. Tailored intervention using child marriage trends is suggested since 42% of adolescents marry before 18 in Africa.
Learning Areas:
Diversity and cultureEpidemiology
Public health or related research
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Analyze the latest data provided by credible international agencies on maternal mortality ratios in Africa.
Identify socioeconomic and reproductive related factors associated with maternal mortality in Africa.
Keyword(s): International MCH, Women's Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I conducted this study and analyzed the data.
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