Association between asthma hospitalizations and ozone level in Maricopa County from 2007 through 2012 using time-series analysis

Results: A total of 90,381 asthma hospitalizations were retrieved from the dataset (daily median=39, range: 8-122). Asthma hospitalizations were highest in 2008 (16,949), from November through December, and lowest in 2011 (13213) and in June-July. By contrast, the average daily ozone concentration ranged from 27.05 in 2012 to 30.15 in 2008 and from 13.96 in December to 40.58 in May. The association between asthma hospitalizations [relative risk (RR/per 10 unit increase of ozone)] start at ~ 1.025; 95%CI(1.006 – 1.046) at lag 0 and diminishes by lag 7.
Our findings suggest exposure to increased ozone level is associated with increased RR of asthma hospitalizations in Maricopa County that last for days after the exposure. This study used recently developed methods that are freely available and could be used to evaluate other health events that are measured over time.
Learning Areas:
Biostatistics, economicsEnvironmental health sciences
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate the association between asthma hospitalization and ozone level in Maricopa County using times-series analysis methods to account for the lagged effect and residual serial auto-correlation.
Keyword(s): Air Pollution & Respiratory Health, Environmental Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have a substantial experience conducting epidemiological study in analysis for various public health subjects using small and large datasets, including hospital data. My credentials and skills include advanced degrees and training in epidemiology including areas such as time-series, risk factors, and spatial-temporal analyses. I am also the lead or co-authors of several publications in some of the prominent peer-reviewed national and international journals including, Prev. Vet. Med, JAVMA, and Vet. Parasitol., among others.
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