Influence of Health Information Technology (HIT) and Societal factors on the Career Choice of Nursing

Affordable Care Act. Understanding technology perceptions and readiness by early career professionals in primary care fields such as nursing, is essential to inform the successful training and retention of HIT focused health professionals. Technology use perceptions and readiness of nurse trainees; informed by the integrated models of Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be explored. Integrated TRI with the TAM: 36 item survey tool explores technology use readiness; based on four domains: 1) optimism; 2) discomfort; 3) innovativeness; and 4) insecurity. The TAM assessment portion is based on two domains: 1) perceived usefulness; and 2) perceived ease of use. Valuable insight will be provided to inform training programs and recruitment efforts in meeting the ever increasing demand for skilled nurses that are patient-centered and prevention focused.
Learning Areas:
Communication and informaticsProvision of health care to the public
Learning Objectives:
Describe the perceptions of technology including the readiness of use in the clinical setting by nursing trainees, critical to effective recruitment, training, retention of workers in primary care fields.
Keyword(s): Information Technology, Nurses/Nursing
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I previously served as an adjunct Assistant Professor in Health Information Management and Director of a Health Information Technology training program and as an Informatics Evaluator and co-Investigator. I was recently awarded RWJF New Connections Junior Investigator grant to study the impact of societal factors and the influence of health information technology on career choices. I have more than ten years of experience with special needs populations. My research has covered HIV/AIDS and HIT.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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