Using Health Navigators to Ensure Culturally Responsive Care Coordination

In a year-long project, the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions worked with a multi-agency collaborative partnership to test and implement strategies for using Community Health Navigators (Navigators) to enhance coordination of services and supports for individuals with chronic health conditions complicated by co-occurring mental health conditions. Culturally relevant Navigators are effective partners in the health care delivery system. Navigators improve access to services and supports for racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse populations by creating a necessary bridge to improve communication between clients, their families, community supports, and physical and behavioral health care providers. Navigators also have the appropriate expertise and capacity to help address the social determinants of health, provide physical and behavioral health prevention and promotion services, and linkages to self-management support programs in a culturally and linguistically responsive manner.
This session will explore strategies for integrating Community Health Navigators into the health care delivery system to improve care coordination, health outcomes, and the experience of care for under-served culturally and linguistically diverse populations with behavioral and physical health concerns.
Learning Areas:
Provision of health care to the publicLearning Objectives:
Describe the key benefits of using culturally-specific navigators to help coordinate care and improve access for underserved ethnic populations.
Identify strategies for integrating Community Health Navigators into the healthcare delivery system.
Keyword(s): Health Care Reform, Health Disparities/Inequities
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Autumn Valerio is a Program Coordinator with the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions. Ms. Valerio has been working on systems change and quality improvement efforts in California’s public behavioral health system since 2007. Her work focuses on advancing strategies to improve health outcomes and achieve health equity for racially, ethnically, linguistically, and culturally diverse communities. She has extensive training and experience with health promotion, health care reform, and capacity building strategies for community-based organizations.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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