When the Rubba Hits the Road: A new media approach to message delivery for African American youth

The internet is the go to source for millennials to watch videos, whether the content is educational or otherwise. Using this knowledge, the authors implemented the idea to develop a music video to address the lack of protection used when youth engage in sexual behaviors. Youth are a rising concern of a key population becoming infected with HIV. Awareness of the aforementioned statement adds to the motivating factor to produce a message created by youth for the youth.
African American youth from the surrounding area were recruited to participate in the music video. These youth, along with staff, wrote the lyrics and produced the project. Four youth rapped in the video at four different locations in the New Orleans area. After completing the project, the video was uploaded to the internet and used as a learning tool during small group sessions with predominately "at-risk" African American youth.
Since the video’s release, the summer of 2013, it has 687 views on YouTube. It has also served as the edutainment tool at 24 small group sessions in the New Orleans area.
- Research supports the argument that youth are more prone to actively receive messages delivered by youth.
- Videos are an engaging method of message deliver proven by the amount of time youth spend watching content on the internet.
- Using youth from the community of our target population made the video relatable and peeked interest
- Suggested next steps would include measuring long term message retention among a self-selected group of youth utilizing a 2x2 evaluation design.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationDiversity and culture
Public health or related education
Learning Objectives:
Discuss the statistics for HIV and youth ages 13 to 24 in the New Orleans area.
List a preventative method to reduce the transmission of HIV and STIs.
Identify risk factors for condom use during sexual encounters.
Keyword(s): Public health or related education, Diversity and culture
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am employed with a grant funded agency where I serve as the Coordinator for CHATnola, a peer-led youth HIV prevention program, which disseminates prevention messages through appropriate media channels. I have over a year of experience creating culturally competent health interventions for youth living in urban areas. I am particularly interested in improving health outcomes related to HIV/STD transmission and other health concerns that disproportionately affect minorities and communities with high poverty rates.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.