Safety Net Partners: Collaborating to Create and Support Person-Centered Health Homes to Address the Needs of High Risk Community Members

This session presents key findings from the evaluation of California’s Health Home Innovation Fund (HHIF). The HHIF Initiative funded 8 multi-stakeholder, regional collaboratives across California to improve care coordination and integration among safety net institutions and providers to better serve patients, particularly those with complex needs. Collaboratives involved a range of stakeholders, including regional clinic consortia, health plans, community health centers, behavioral health organizations, hospitals, and community-based organizations. The HHIF evaluation used a mixed method, participatory approach to examine the implementation experiences and outcomes achieved across the funded collaboratives.
This session presents key learnings about the PCHH transformation process, including: the role of clinic consortia and managed care organization in facilitating health home transformation; fostering strong cross-sector partnerships in the community to serve complex populations, barriers and facilitators to practice and system transformation; and recommendations to sustain and advance community health home efforts.
Learning Areas:
Provision of health care to the publicLearning Objectives:
Identify the role of managed care plans and clinic consortia in facilitating health home transformation in clinics and communities.
Describe the key challenges and facilitators to implementing health homes across a community of partners for complex patients.
Discuss specific policy and practice recommendations to sustain and advance community-based health home transformation.
Keyword(s): Community-Based Partnership & Collaboration, Underserved Populations
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Jennifer J. Brya, MA, MPP, Co-Founder and Principal at Desert Vista Consulting, specializes in program evaluation, organizational assessments, and policy analysis. Jennifer is a clinician who has worked in direct service and now focuses on evaluating integrated behavioral health, health home model and cross-system care coordination initiatives. Program evaluation expertise focuses on measuring program impact at the individual and broader organizational and policy levels to improve the conditions of at-risk populations.
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