Building New Neighborhoods: How Learning Collaboratives are Promoting Health and Behavioral Health Care Integration and Coordination in the California Safety Net

The California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS) supports safety net organizations to make changes to improve the health status of individuals who have complex, co-occurring conditions and require coordinated services. A key method CIBHS employs is the implementation of learning collaboratives modeled on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Breakthrough Series that use improvement tools to support organizational change. Beginning in 2009, CIBHS has run six successful collaboratives with participation from thirty California counties focused on improving the coordination of behavioral health.
This session explores the fundamental changes that safety net providers must test on a small scale and then spread to the broader system to ensure care coordination. Some of the changes include: outreach and engagement; screening for multiple conditions; establishing multiagency communication; creating workflows for coordinated care; promoting self-management; and using clinical information systems. Data from the collaborative initiatives suggest that effective care coordination requires, at a minimum: engaged leadership, development of clear roles for providers coordinating care, new work flows across multiple providers, and measurement of client outcomes and system processes across multiple provider organizations.
Learning Areas:
Implementation of health education strategies, interventions and programsSystems thinking models (conceptual and theoretical models), applications related to public health
Learning Objectives:
Identify four fundamental systems changes needed for effective care coordination for complex patients.
Discuss the importance of measuring client outcomes across multiple providers.
Describe how the Plan, Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle can be used to test medication reconciliation, screening tools, outreach strategies, and other key elements of care coordination.
Keyword(s): Health Care Reform, Vulnerable Populations
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Ms. Clancy has served as the Executive Director of multiple nonprofit and government agencies, including serving as the first Executive Officer of California’s Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission. Currently, Ms. Clancy works as Associate Director at the California Institute for Mental Health where she directs a number statewide improvement projects, including Breakthrough Series Learning Collaboratives focusing on care coordination, integration and improvement of specialty mental health recovery services.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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