Picturing Adelante: Latino Youth participate in CBPR using place-based photovoice

METHODS: Using photovoice, we engaged twelve Latino youth, including six recently arrived and six second generation immigrants, in a dialogue about peer, family, community, and health issues affecting Latinos. Through four sessions, participants developed photography skills, used photographs to stimulate critical thinking and discussion, and suggested solutions for emergent issues.
RESULTS: Important themes emerged from the photo-assignments: housing needs, health care access, food deserts, and substance abuse, in particular heavy alcohol use, all of which were cited by participants as having substantial influences on their lives. Participants organized a photography exhibition and community forum to raise awareness about important findings.
CONCLUSIONS: Both recently arrived and second generation Latino youth have important perspectives to share that guide and refine ongoing targeted CBPR interventions. Photovoice is a unique way to engage these youth in CBPR as well as to share their work and findings with the larger community, stakeholders, and academic partners.
Learning Areas:
Diversity and cultureImplementation of health education strategies, interventions and programs
Public health or related education
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate application of the photovoice method for informing a CBPR intervention.
Describe peer, family, and community issues that were identified by immigrant Latino youth as relevant to their health and well-being.
Discuss relevance of the identified community health issues to other similar immigrant communities.
Explain the benefits and limitations of using photovoice as a way to engage recently immigrated and second generation adolescents in community activism
Keyword(s): Community-Based Partnership & Collaboration, Adolescents
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I was a co-implementer of the project and I am first and second author on publications related to this project.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.