Correlates of Suicidality and Mental Health Among Runaway/Homeless YOUTH

Background/Rationale: Mental illness among runaway, homeless, and street youth is common, and can have a devastating impact on other areas of their lives. Social service workers and health care providers can benefit from a better understanding of common mental health diagnoses, and frequency of suicide ideation among this population in order to develop tailored interventions for screening and treatment of mental health issues.
Methods: 191 Denver metro area runaway/homeless youth living in shelters and visiting a drop-in center participated in an iPad-delivered survey and mobile modem in the summer of 2013. The questionnaire borrowed from standard youth health scales and covered ED use, reasons for ED visit, access to other sources of medical care, mental health diagnoses, the PHQ-9 questionnaire, and extensive demographic information. PHQ-9 scores were calculated and categorized from minimal to severe depression. Mental health diagnoses were examined to find the most commonly reported diagnoses.
Results/Outcomes: PHQ-9 score: = 7.35 (sd= 7.22) for all youth. Youth reported depressive symptoms on a scale from minimal to severe were: minimal, 42.9%; mild, 19.9%; moderate, 13.6%; moderately severe, 10.0%; and severe, 13.6%. The most commonly reported mental health diagnoses were: anxiety (n= 59), bipolar disorder (n= 51), and major depressive disorder (n= 46). Youth also reported having post-traumatic stress disorder (n= 34), schizophrenia (n= 19), ADD/ADHD (n= 8), multiple-personality disorder (n= 4), and axis II diagnoses such as anti-social personality disorder and borderline personality disorder (n= 4). 20.9% (n= 38) of survey respondents reported having suicidal ideation within the last month.
Conclusions: Screening for depression and suicidal ideation should be done for each youth upon entering shelter services since over 1/5th of the young people reported recent feelings of suicidal ideation, and well over half the youth report mild signs of depression based on the PHQ-9. Survey delivery via IPad and remote modem is an efficient method of data collection at shelters and drop-in centers. Shelters and clinics serving this population should establish and continually maintain policy and procedure describing what to do in the event of a behavioral health crisis, particularly as they relate to schizophrenia, manic episodes, and depression. Point-in-time interventions should be considered to bring behavioral health care to youth in a timely way.
Learning Areas:
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programsProvision of health care to the public
Public health or related nursing
Learning Objectives:
Describe the point prevalence of mental health distress and suicidality among runaway/homeless youth in Denver.
Demonstrate use of IPads and remote modem as a data collection tool for research and evaluation.
Keyword(s): Homelessness, Adolescents
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been a public health nurse for 14 years, working with vulnerable youth. My program of research addresses the unique health needs of foster care and runaway/homeless young people.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.