Measuring Prospective Childbearing Intentions at Title X clinics

Method: We are conducting 100 semi-structured interviews with family planning service providers at Title X supported service sites. Our sample includes a range of providers (PP, health departments, etc.) in all 10 regions of the U.S. who serve clients in rural and urban areas and who collect any information about women’s prospective pregnancy intentions. Phone interviews, lasting roughly 45 minutes, asks providers: if they collect information on women’s prospective pregnancy intentions, who collects this information, when it is collected, how they are asked, how it is recorded (including in an EHR), and what implication it has for subsequent birth control counseling and prescription. Currently, we have completed two-thirds of the interviews, with the remaining to be completed by the end of March.
Results: Many clinics do ask about prospective intentions, though how and how this information is used varies – by provider types, location, and clients served. Analyses of the results will be complete by April, and will be used to inform the development of a standard (prospective) measure of pregnancy intention that health Title X supported family planning providers can use.
Learning Areas:
Social and behavioral sciencesLearning Objectives:
Describe if and how Title X supported family planning clinics measure clients' prospective pregnancy or childbearing intentions, as well as how this information is used.
Keyword(s): Family Planning, Reproductive Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Jennifer Manlove is a Sociologist who co-directs the Reproductive Health and Family Formation research area at Child Trends. Her research focuses on the role of intimate relationships and partners in sexual activity, contraceptive use, and unintended pregnancy. She has been the PI on several federal research grants examining contraceptive use patterns among adolescents and young adults, unintended and nonmarital childbearing, and the transition to fatherhood. She also studies effective adolescent pregnancy prevention approaches.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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