Conducting evidence-based advocacy to improve abortion access: Lessons from the field

From 2011-2013 more state-level restrictions on abortion were enacted than in the previous decade. Anti-choice stakeholders claim such restrictions are necessary to improve the lives and health of women and children. Little work has been done to examine the veracity of their claims.
We evaluated anti-choice claims-making by examining 76 state-level policies and outcomes specific to the health of women and children. Using scatter plots, we determined how those policies and outcomes align with the level of abortion restrictiveness in a state.
Overall, we found states with more abortion restrictions passed into law perform worse on indicators of women and children’s health outcomes, and have fewer evidence-based policies that support women and children. At the state-level, we identified which outcomes and policies states are performing well on and which are in need of improvement. We have begun and will continue to share the results of these state-specific analyses via national and in-state briefings with advocates, elected officials, and the media. Dissemination efforts are and will continue to be broad as we hope to identify potential new allies and form new cross-movement partnerships with stakeholders focused on improving social determinants of health and women’s and children’s well-being generally.
This straightforward analysis helps dismantle claims made by anti-choice stakeholders that they are working to improve the health or lives of women and children. It also points to needed evidence-based policies that could be advanced by policymakers with sincere interest in the health and lives of women and children.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related researchLearning Objectives:
Discuss the relationship between abortion restrictions and women’s and children’s health outcomes and policies.
Understand how research plays a role in state advocacy.
Keyword(s): Abortion, Women's Health
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been the principal or co-principal investigator of several studies evaluating the impact of different US policies on women and their access to abortion.
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